Thursday, 20 March 2025


Pretty pissed off. I've come down with a cold of some sort. I'm sure I was infected by a guest who visited the house on Saturday and had a nasty cough. We were playing chess for an extended period and his coughing persisted over the entire course of our games. I've been affected since Wednesday and today is Thursday. 

I took two panadol last night and I've taken another two this evening. The effects are fairly mild but I am weak and tired. I just have a runny nose and general malaise. Hopefully it won't progress further but it makes you realise how vulnerable you are. Avoiding close contact with people outside of the family circle is the best strategy. Even family members who are clearly sick should be avoided.

A hermit doesn't get infected by other people but I'm not quite ready to abandon the world entirely. When I drive by myself and visit a mall, I'm generally not in close and sustained contact with anybody so I'm relatively safe. Getting an Uber of course is best avoided but sometimes necessary. Air travel is another matter entirely and provides a perfect opportunity for infection. This mode of travel should only be undertaken for a good reason. Sooner or later, a virulant pathogen is going to strike me down and the consequences may be deadly. All that can I do is to minimise the chances of encountering such an organism. Being a hermit certainly has appeal as I'm quite done with the world of people and yet I'm not quite ready for the next.

Sunday, 16 March 2025

An Odd Protuberance

The "pimple" that appeared on my chest, weeks ago, is still there and causing minor discomfort. I purchased an Ichthammol Ointment that is a drawing salve designed to bring boils and splinters to a head. It is commonly found in pharmacies. So what is Ichthammol?

Ichthammol, also known as ammonium bituminosulfonate or Ichthyol, is a dark, viscous liquid derived from sulfur-rich oil shale, used topically as a drawing salve and for treating various skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. 

After several days of use, it doesn't appear to be doing very much. A pimple or a boil should eventually come to a head and burst but this "protuberance" is stubbornly resistant. At the same time, my inner pressure caused by my thymoma has become more noticeable and I can only wonder if there isn't some connection. Apart from this little inconvenience, I'm feeling OK and have been doing my band stretches on a regular basis. My weight hovers between 70kg and 71kg.

My condition is best described as chest acne and the photo below is a reasonable approximation of what I seem to be suffering from.

However, the treatment prescribed on this website does not include the use of Ichthammol. Instead, the recommendations are:
  • Benzoyl peroxide: This is a topical treatment that is available in creams, gels, and lotions. Benzoyl peroxide works by killing acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and unclogging pores.

  • Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in many OTC acne treatments. It works by exfoliating the skin and unclogging pores.

  • Alpha-hydroxy acids: Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid and lactic acid are used in many OTC acne treatments. They work by exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells, which can help to prevent clogged pores.

  • Sulphur: Sulphur is an ingredient found in some OTC acne treatments. It works by reducing oil production and killing bacteria.

  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a natural ingredient that has antibacterial properties. It can be found in some OTC acne treatments and can be effective in reducing inflammation and killing bacteria.
I think it best to try some of these given that the Ichthammol does not seem to be working. The same site offers some natural remedies as well including:

There are a few natural remedies that may help reduce chest acne, including the previously mentioned tea tree oil:
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial properties and can be applied topically to the skin to reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria.

  • Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel can help to soothe inflamed skin and reduce redness and irritation.

  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural toner to help balance the skin's pH levels and reduce the growth of bacteria. It should be diluted with water before applying it to the skin.

  • Honey: Honey has natural antibacterial properties and can be applied topically to the skin to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

  • Green tea: Drinking green tea or applying it topically to the skin may help to reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria.

Nothing much seems to work so I've covered with a bandaid again, this time smearing it with Arnica. Desy knew someone who had a similar protuberance removed and the person died after subsequent bleeding couldn't be stemmed. Her advice is to leave well enough alone and just grin and bear it. Maybe it's a conduit for some sort of temporary release and it will fade away over time. My instinct also is to leave it be.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Biopsy Blues

Here's an interesting statement (link) by a Dr Thomas Lodi, MD: 

A Biopsy Is Almost A Guarantee Of Cancer Metastasis & Acceleration

The Problem With The Biopsy Is This. When A Cancer Tumor Is Growing, The Body Contains it Within A Fibrin Sheath. 

The Minute That Sheath Is Broken, By The Puncture Needle Of A Biopsy, The Cancer Metastasizes & Spreads.

I'd heard about this before but it was good to be reminded of it. This is just another example of how the medical mafia sabotages our health. I'm sure some medical personnel believe they're doing the right thing and helping the patient but whether the harm caused by the biopsy is intentional or not, it is "iatrogenic" meaning "relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment". This would never be admitted of course.

Once the cancer spreads, the slash (operate), burn (radiotherapy) and poison (chemotherapy) intervention is initiated and the money flows, either directly from the individual or indirectly from the taxpayers' dollars. Of course, one doctor saying that biopsies are "almost a guarantee of cancer metastasis and acceleration" does not make it true but it should give anyone who is considering the procedure pause for thought.

Friday, 31 January 2025

A Resumption

Today, on the last night of January 2025, I actually used my stretch band for the first time since arriving back from Australia in mid-January. For some reason, I just haven't felt motivated to do any exercise at all for the past couple of weeks. I've been largely sedentary and have only ventured out into the garden briefly on a couple of occasions. That's about to change hopefully. 

It's important to work in the garden as that provides a lot of exercise without noticing it. I need to resume some walking as well, especially given that the constant cloud cover makes it easier. Healthwise I feel well enough so there's no impediments to being more active. I really do need to spend less time on my laptop and phone. My weight is around 70.5 kg which is fine but I don't won't it slipping below 70 kg.

I'm still taking my Moringa and the stiffness in my fingers remains relatively mild. My right shoulder joint still pains me from time to time but it's easy to endure and usually transient. Overall I shouldn't complain about my physical condition given that I'm staring down the barrel of 76. There are many far worse off than me.

Death's Door
by William Blake

Uranus has stationed as of last night and will soon begin moving forward through Taurus toward my natal Moon. What the consequences of that conjunction in late June will be remain to be seen. Perhaps it will mark my demise, as my dream voice announced, or else I will go on. If I am to go on then I need to discover some sense of purpose because right now I feel that I've lost all momentum. I'm standing still.

It's coming up to ten years since my retirement and I've very much enjoyed the freedom to do whatever I want with my time but lately things feel different. My sense of joie de vivre has dissipated. Maybe this is what happens towards the end. Maybe it's just a passing phase. I should reread some of my old posts on this blog to gain some inspiration.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Sudden Vision Impairment

Today, 24th January 2025, I sat down at my laptop to read the Twitter feed and I couldn't focus on the text. I thought my glasses were dirty and so I cleaned them but the probably persisted. After a few minutes, normal vision returned. This was unsettling as a sudden decline in one's near vision can't be a good thing. 

Transient episodes of blurred or "grayed out" vision can be a sign of a tumour in the brain that is pressing on the optic nerve. Hopefully that's not the case. All I can do is to monitor the situation and make a note of any further vision abnormalities. I'll use this post and the site to record such observations.


There's certainly some family history of such tumours. My maternal grandmother suffered from a tumour on her pituatary gland. It was removed when she was aged 66 but she wasn't the same woman after the operation. My aunty and my grandmother's youngest child suffered terrible headaches that were initially diagnosed as a mental disorder but later it was revealed that she had a malignant tumour that was affecting her brain. She died at age 37. My brother Tony suffered from an acoustic neuroma that was removed when he was 19 years old.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

True Lies

 Ultra-processed plant-based meat alternative have problems it would seem:

In the first investigation of its kind, researchers from University of Surrey found that the risk of depression amongst vegetarians who consumed plant-based meat alternatives was 42 per cent higher than for those who shun both meat and plant-based substitutes. Link.

I can believe this because recently after consuming fake vegetarian sausages I've woken up on a couple of occasions feeling really depressed which is quite uncommon for me. Interestingly, depression can be caused by antibiotics:

Studies have shown that antibiotics can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, especially in males. The risk may increase with the number of courses of antibiotics taken, and may persist for years. 

Antibiotics can disrupt the intestinal flora, which can lead to mental illnesses like depression. Antibiotics can also activate glial cells in the brain, which may be associated with the onset of depression. 

Antibiotics can impact the brain-gut axis, which plays a key role in the development of depression. 

Antibiotics can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. The original antidepressants were derived from antimicrobial agents. However, as antibiotics are used more frequently, there is increasing evidence of their negative impact on mental health. Generated by Google Gemini.

In other news, I heard that biopsies to check for cancer actually cause the cancer to spread throughtout the body. Mainstream medical "experts" do not concur but then again they wouldn't would they? Who to believe? It would seem that everything that is taken for granted nowadays needs to be reassessed. Believe nothing and trust nobody.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Passing On

Last night I dreamed that I only had a few months to live. In the dream, I was looking on at myself and I took the news (delivered as a sort of announcement) rather well, I wasn't perturbed in the slightest. I just accepted it. In another dream, I was observing a swarm of meerkat-like creatures gnawing feverishly, frantically, frenetically at rock that appeared to be sandstone. They were trying to gouge out a pathway but they had taken a wrong turn. I knew where they should be headed but they themselves didn't. I tried to tell someone about the situation but to little effect.

This dream suggested some natural somatic process gone wrong but what do meerkat-like creatures gnawing feverishly at rock indicate? There's information to be had about the spirit animal significance of meerkats on
this site. Here's a small quote:
One key message from Meerkat Spirit Animal is that of vigilant awareness. You need to stand up and see true. Things look much different when you elevate your perspective. Use your new point of observation for measuring and metering your actions. Meerkat also reminds you to remain ever watchful. Standing guard is an honor in the Animal Kingdom and among humans.

Of course in the dream they were burrowing and not standing guard. The dream was disturbing in that the creatures were so totally and frantically involved in their activity. It came at a time when I'd begun to do more regular strengthening exercises in an effort to tone my body and perhaps build a little more muscle.

Prior to the dream I'd been feeling quite spritely but following it I've been lethargic. The day before the dream I woke up feeling quite depressed which is unusual for me. I wondered what had triggered it but couldn't come up with an explanation, although physical impairment like cancer, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiencies, and infections can trigger depression.

I'll monitor my dreams more closer to see if there are any more clues to be had. I am feeling quite flat at the moment with little interest in the outside world. I noticed that the transiting north node of the Moon was conjunct my natal Mercury but this wouldn't seem to account for my low mood. Apart from that, transiting Uranus is slowly grinding to a halt and will station in early February at a sensitive spot in my chart.


Last night (30th December 2025) I had the most awful dream that I can't even bear to write down but I'm hardly likely to forget it. It certainly had to do with death and dying.


Pretty pissed off. I've come down with a cold of some sort. I'm sure I was infected by a guest who visited the house on Saturday and...