Saturday, 28 December 2024

True Lies

 Ultra-processed plant-based meat alternative have problems it would seem:

In the first investigation of its kind, researchers from University of Surrey found that the risk of depression amongst vegetarians who consumed plant-based meat alternatives was 42 per cent higher than for those who shun both meat and plant-based substitutes. Link.

I can believe this because recently after consuming fake vegetarian sausages I've woken up on a couple of occasions feeling really depressed which is quite uncommon for me. Interestingly, depression can be caused by antibiotics:

Studies have shown that antibiotics can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, especially in males. The risk may increase with the number of courses of antibiotics taken, and may persist for years. 

Antibiotics can disrupt the intestinal flora, which can lead to mental illnesses like depression. Antibiotics can also activate glial cells in the brain, which may be associated with the onset of depression. 

Antibiotics can impact the brain-gut axis, which plays a key role in the development of depression. 

Antibiotics can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. The original antidepressants were derived from antimicrobial agents. However, as antibiotics are used more frequently, there is increasing evidence of their negative impact on mental health. Generated by Google Gemini.

In other news, I heard that biopsies to check for cancer actually cause the cancer to spread throughtout the body. Mainstream medical "experts" do not concur but then again they wouldn't would they? Who to believe? It would seem that everything that is taken for granted nowadays needs to be reassessed. Believe nothing and trust nobody.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Passing On

Last night I dreamed that I only had a few months to live. In the dream, I was looking on at myself and I took the news (delivered as a sort of announcement) rather well, I wasn't perturbed in the slightest. I just accepted it. In another dream, I was observing a swarm of meerkat-like creatures gnawing feverishly, frantically, frenetically at rock that appeared to be sandstone. They were trying to gouge out a pathway but they had taken a wrong turn. I knew where they should be headed but they themselves didn't. I tried to tell someone about the situation but to little effect.

This dream suggested some natural somatic process gone wrong but what do meerkat-like creatures gnawing feverishly at rock indicate? There's information to be had about the spirit animal significance of meerkats on
this site. Here's a small quote:
One key message from Meerkat Spirit Animal is that of vigilant awareness. You need to stand up and see true. Things look much different when you elevate your perspective. Use your new point of observation for measuring and metering your actions. Meerkat also reminds you to remain ever watchful. Standing guard is an honor in the Animal Kingdom and among humans.

Of course in the dream they were burrowing and not standing guard. The dream was disturbing in that the creatures were so totally and frantically involved in their activity. It came at a time when I'd begun to do more regular strengthening exercises in an effort to tone my body and perhaps build a little more muscle.

Prior to the dream I'd been feeling quite spritely but following it I've been lethargic. The day before the dream I woke up feeling quite depressed which is unusual for me. I wondered what had triggered it but couldn't come up with an explanation, although physical impairment like cancer, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiencies, and infections can trigger depression.

I'll monitor my dreams more closer to see if there are any more clues to be had. I am feeling quite flat at the moment with little interest in the outside world. I noticed that the transiting north node of the Moon was conjunct my natal Mercury but this wouldn't seem to account for my low mood. Apart from that, transiting Uranus is slowly grinding to a halt and will station in early February at a sensitive spot in my chart.


Last night (30th December 2025) I had the most awful dream that I can't even bear to write down but I'm hardly likely to forget it. It certainly had to do with death and dying.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Another Tooth Extraction

It was only in June of this year (2024) that I wrote about my tooth troubles and then my tooth extraction. Here we are again. Tooth trouble started around the 23rd November, yes that fateful day, and got progressively worse until I felt compelled to see a dentist yesterday (the 25th November) who put me on antibiotics and scheduled a tooth extraction by another dentist today at 6pm.

The tooth being extracted is the same molar that has bedevilled me for years after it was subjected to a botched root canal in Jakarta. I don't know what bought this current infection on. There's always been a low grade infection at that site but maybe my immune system is weakening and can't keep it under control. 

Saturn ground to a halt in 12ยบ42' of Pisces on November 16th and so it is still in a close semi-sextile with my natal Sun. This planet rules the skeletal system including the teeth so I'm apprehensive about its effect on me when it passes over my Aries planets in the twelfth house. This transit may have precipated the attack.

I'll report back on the aftermath of the tooth extraction.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Oscillatory Exercises

It really is time to get serious about my health. I've made 139 posts on my mathematical blog as of the 18th November this year which is about 12 posts per month. By contrast I've made 19 posts to this blog so far in 2024 which is equivalent to about 1.5 posts per month. I need to experiment with different exercise regimes and nutritional supplements and see which ones stick.

Advice from old people is especially valuable obviously and a case in point is the concept of oscillatory exercises promoted by some silly old bald bastard like myself with a YouTube channel called I AM LONGEVITY

In a video titled Oscillatory Exercises: How To Keep Your Muscles, Joints, Tendons, And Ligaments Young, he says the following:

In this video, I discuss a novel exercise training method called "Oscillatory Training." 

Oscillatory training involves rapid, small-range movements where muscles contract and relax quickly. This type of training enhances neuromuscular performance, strength, power, and coordination by accelerating the relaxation of antagonistic muscles and improving force production. The exercises often involve pulsing actions that engage muscles continuously, promoting improved muscle engagement and athleticism.

In addition,  this type of training protects and strengthens ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles. And helps them work as a team when needed. 

Furthermore, this specialized training helps recruit and active all the motor units, including the slow and fast, and their corresponding muscle fibers, including Type 2a and Type 2x fast-twitch muscle fibers.

I also show you some sample exercises you can incorporate into your regimen. Oscillatory Training is a primary reason I have good mobility, balance, coordination, and much more, even in my 60s.

Enjoy the video!!!!

As he explains in his video, the idea of oscillatory exercises involves quick movement within a narrow range and does not involve full stretching. I like the idea and just have to develop some ways to incorporate it into an exercise session without overdoing it and injuring myself. This activity is more in keeping with real life movement rather than say slow stretching exercises where is strive to increase our range of motion. In oscillatory exercises, the range is deliberately restricted and quick repetitions are carried out.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Turmeric, Ashwagantha Root and Maca Root

I watch Dr. Suneel Dhand on YouTube and he recently uploaded a video about the benefits of Turmeric (link) as an anti-inflammatory. Before viewing this, I'd also noted that it had been added the Moringa capsules that I'd recently purchased off Amazon. See my post on Moringa Leaf.

Here is what Gemini had to say about Turmeric:

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. It's a polyphenol compound that gives turmeric its vibrant yellow color and is responsible for most of its medicinal properties. 

Benefits of Curcumin:

Anti-inflammatory: Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation associated with various conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Antioxidant: It acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can contribute to aging and chronic diseases.

May Improve Brain Function: Some studies suggest that curcumin may improve cognitive function and memory, particularly in older adults. It may also have potential benefits for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions

May Aid in Digestion: Turmeric has been traditionally used to support digestion and may help relieve symptoms of digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

May Boost Heart Health: Curcumin may help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It may also have blood-thinning properties, but more research is needed to confirm these effects.


I was curious to find out the health benefits of the other ingredients in the capsules. So what is Ashwagandha root?

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an ancient medicinal herb with several potential health benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:   

Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Ashwagandha is often referred to as an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress. Studies suggest it can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels, improving overall mood and well-being.   

Improved Sleep Quality: Ashwagandha may help regulate sleep patterns, leading to improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia.   

Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some research indicates that ashwagandha may improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and reaction time.   

Boosted Immune System: Ashwagandha may help strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to infections and illnesses.   

Increased Testosterone Levels: In men, ashwagandha may help increase testosterone levels, leading to improved sexual function and muscle strength.   

Reduced Inflammation: Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions like arthritis.   


What about Maca root?

Maca root, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is a traditional Peruvian medicinal plant with several potential health benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:   

Improved Sexual Health: Maca root is often used to boost libido and sexual desire in both men and women. It may also help improve fertility in men by increasing sperm count and motility.   

Hormone Balance: Maca root may help balance hormones, particularly in women going through menopause. It can help alleviate symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances.   

Increased Energy Levels: Maca root is believed to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. It may be helpful for athletes and individuals with low energy levels.   

Enhanced Mood: Some studies suggest that maca root may improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.   
Improved Fertility: Maca root may enhance fertility in both men and women by improving sperm quality and egg health.   

Cracked Rib and Other Ailments

Leaning into a garbage bin to retrieve a rock that had tumbled in along with the garden refuse that I was discarding, resulted in a pronounced crunch that left me feeling that my one or more of my lower ribs had cracked. I don't know for sure if it has but the area remains very tender and I have difficulty in moving from various positions.

A couple of weeks earlier I was suffered for a couple of days with discomfort in the right unguinal area after a lot of up and down movement in the garden. I didn't have any herniation but the sudden onset of symptoms was a bit of a shock. The decrease in the strength of my leg muscles is disturbing. Today I was bending over repeatedly and putting all the weight on my right leg as I plucked out grass shots from the wood chip in the garden. I soon found that the leg was becoming fatigued.

Gardening has the benefit of making one realise where the weaknesses are in ones body. The unguinal discomfort and today's rapid onset of fatigue in the leg muscles remind me that I need to do a lot more strengthening exercises for my legs. I have started doing some regular isometric exercises for my upper body and a little for my legs. 

As I do so, other problems emerge such as discomfort in the bony protuberances on my hands and elbows. The latter is termed the medial epicondyle (the bony bump on the inner side of the elbow) joint while the former is the pisiform bone. To quote: 

Pain and tenderness on the palmar and ulnar aspects of the wrist in the area of the pisiform bone is fairly common. Chronic pain in the pisiform area may be due to tendinitis of the insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris, bony fractures or osteoarthrosis of pisotriquetral joint which is the second most common degenerative arthritis in wrist after the scaphotrapezial osteoarthrosis. Source.

My right shoulder continues to bother me, especially when lying horizontal in bed. If I raise my upper body a little using two pillows, the pain subsides. The discomfort from my thymoma is ongoing but only manifests when getting out of bed or doing stretching movements. This and these other disabilities don't encourage exercise but I need to persevere nonetheless or I'm to find myself increasingly incapacitated.

A few days ago I weighed in at 70.8 kilograms and in fact over these past months I've been hovering around 71 kilograms. If I drop below 70 kilograms, it will assuredly be due to sarcopenia so I must strive to maintain muscle mass.


Just as I track the properties of the number associated with my diurnal age EVERYDAY, I should be equally diligent in tracking all exercises and activities associated with my physical health. Should it be a physical diary or an electronic one? What do I track? 

... to be continued.

Friday, 13 September 2024

Urology Shivers: Why Cooler Temps Lead to Certain Urinary Conditions

Urology Shivers: Why Cooler Temps Lead to Certain Urinary Conditions

This is the title of an article that sheds considerable light on my current condition that manifested once I arrived in a chilly Melbourne a few days ago. Here are some excerpts from the article.

Ongoing research indicates that while our bodies adjust to colder temperatures, some functions have to catch up, and this can cause a lapse in efficiency. In the urinary systems, the lapse could contribute to overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

You may have noticed that when you are out in the cold, you have to go to the bathroom more often This is because the kidneys are making more urine to compensate for other bodily cold-weather “tricks.”

  1. Trick one: The body preserves warmth around the internal organs by reducing blood flow to the skin.  

  1. Trick two: This change causes blood pressure to increase, meaning more blood pumps through the body. 

  1. Trick three: The kidneys, which filter waste out of all that blood, must produce more urine to meet their filtering demand.  

  1. Trick four: We sweat less in the winter and therefore lose less fluid, so there’s more urine stored in our bodies. 

The result: We have to pee more.

People whose bladders are weakened due to age, excess weight, or childbirth, might not be able to keep up with this increased frequency. It doesn’t help that when our body temperature lowers, the muscles around the bladder are prone to tense up or spasm, leading to the urgent need to urinate.

So this article certainly explains why my condition developed but hopefully I seem to have improved to the point where I won't need to take antibiotics to resolve the lower UTI. It's interesting that when I arrived in Melbourne last year in the depth of its winter I suffered from OAB initially but not a UTI. This time around the suffered from both. I guess I'm an example of a person whose bladder has been weakened from old age. The cooler weather certainly does not agree with me and I look forward to a return to the tropics.

Another term for my condition is Cold-Induced Diuresis explained as follows (source):

During cold diuresis, blood vessels constrict, and blood flow decreases to warm your internal and vital organs. This causes your blood pressure to increase, making your kidneys filter excess fluid and blood to decrease your blood volume, which causes a full bladder and makes you pee more.

True Lies

  Ultra-processed plant-based meat alternative have problems it would seem: In the first investigation of its kind, researchers from Univers...