Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Hidden Hazards

Yesterday morning I tested out my mini-trampoline for about half an hour. I was basically just stepping up and down on it, and certainly not bouncing. The exercise seemed innocuous enough. However, I seem to have paid a price. Yesterday evening, I skipped my evening meal because my appetite was gone. During the night I felt somewhat nauseous and didn't even feel like breakfast this morning, although I did eat some toast later.

I think what happened was that the continuous up and down motion aggravated my thymoma. The motion of stepping up and down on the trampoline is quite different to that of walking. It would seem that my thymoma, probably an encapsulated cyst-like object located directly above my stomach, was bobbing about and pushing and pulling against things in a more extreme fashion than normal.

Despite my exercise routine being slow and sedate, it was enough to cause me serious concern. My reaction emphasises how fragile my body has become and how cautious I need to be when beginning any new exercises. My chest still feels sensitive and I have a general malaise.

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