Saturday, 17 September 2022

Overdoing It

After feeling quite fit and healthy following my caffeine abstinence, I embarked on some reasonably intensive physical activities around the house over a couple of days. I soon payed the price and I've been feeling poorly for a couple of days now. The discomfort in my chest has returned and my energy levels are low.

I can plead guilty to most of the above. I could see that cleaning needed to be done and I determined to do it but at what cost? It's disconcerting to find myself physically challenged by activities that a few years ago I would have completed with ease. Any intense activity involving the upper body will quickly lead to chest discomfort.

Abstaining from all upper body physical exertion however, is likely to lead to an acceleration of the inevitable age-related sarcopenia. While I need to be physically active and must remember not to overdo it.

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