Wednesday, 5 July 2023

The Big Freeze

Arriving in Melbourne in the depth of its winter and during a particularly cold snap has not proved good for my health. While I did do some walking upon arrival, I found that the cold was affecting my chest and so I've abandoned all forms of exercise. I definitely function better in the tropics and I'm looking forward to returning there.

This is the worst shape I've been in since my affliction emerged toward the end of 2018. Even moving about the city proved too much for me yesterday and I was struggling to make it back home. Since then I've spent most the time sleeping. The fact that I breathe through my mouth exacerbates the problem as the cold air enters my lungs directly whereas via the nose the air has a chance to warm up a little. When I consciously breathe through my nose, I find things are better.

There's so little information available about my condition and I'm not really sure what my condition is. My research leans toward thymoma or thymic cyst but most probably the latter as I have a long history of cysts on head and, as I only learned in 2015, cysts on my liver. "14% of patients with thymic cysts also had hepatic cysts" (see earlier post titled Thymoma or Thymic Cyst) and so there is clearly a correlation between the two. 

Hopefully, the temperatures will be warmer in Sydney in a week's time when we visit and on our return to Melbourne five days later. If this sees an improvement in my condition, then it will be strong evidence that low temperatures exacerbate my condition and are best avoided in the future. On an unrelated note, I weighed in yesterday at 74.7kg. This is the first time that I've weighed myself in a while and this weight isn't too bad considering my recent lack of exercise.

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