Saturday, 30 September 2023

Teeth Trouble

There is a hole in one of my upper teeth on the right side. Up until recently it hadn't caused me any trouble but a few days ago it started up in the middle of the night and worsened over the next day or so. I needed to take some Panadol to ease the discomfort. At the same time, the gaping hole where a tooth used to be on the upper left side of my mouth also become inflamed. I was having difficulty eating.

I suspect I walked too far on the day preceding my oral woes but I can't remember the exact chronology. Nowadays, when I push my body too far, I seem to suffer a general collapse. Today, after a couple of days of not walking, my teeth troubles have largely subsided. I have to accept that my body is not what it used to be and I have to "exercise" more caution.

Now that I'm 74 years old, in fact 74.5 years old on October 6th, I have to change my ways and exercise in smaller "chunks". I've written about this before but not really practised it. I need to view the entire day as an exercise opportunity and find what works and what doesn't. I need to be more in touch with my body and view it as something to be bullied into doing my bidding.

This approach worked when I was younger but not anymore. I need to be kind to my body. The discomfort induced by overexertion is a strong motivator. Of course, I worry sometimes that I'm being overtaken by some insidious disease and eventually I may well be. However, the more I listen to my body, the less likely this is to happen.

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