Wednesday, 31 January 2024

State of Play

As my creaking old body approaches its 75th birthday, I've made some changes to my exercise regime. Having mislaid my pantyhose stretch band for a second time, I've taken to doing replacement isometric exercises. I'm finding these are working quite well and my legs are definitely feeling much stronger.

Balancing while standing on one leg for the count of fifty is another exercise for leg strength. Pushing away from the wall with my hands, front on and side on, helps to maintain upper body strength and step-ups provide aerobic exercise. I still go for walks of course but the step-ups are a good alternative if it's raining, if it's the wrong time of day or if I just don't feel like venturing out.

My neck is creaking and cracking and so I make sure to keep my flexibility in that area via neck rotations and various other stretching movements. Living in a house of steps is an added blessing and I keep busy in the garden and doing general cleaning around the house, both of which boost my fitness level. Overall, at the moment, I don't feel too bad. The discomfort in the area of my solar plexus has subsided a little and pain from my broken teeth is quiescent.

Figure 1 shows my median life expectancy based on 2016 data to be 87.17 years (using Wolfram Alpha). The prompt used was "life expectancy for an Australian male born April 3rd 1949":

Figure 1

We'll see about that. What was disturbing is Wolfram Alpha's low predictions for the length of life of Indonesians. Regardless of how long I last, I need to combine long periods of sitting with periods of physical activity. It's quite common for me to be seated watching episodes in a series for two or more hours. This must be balanced by physical activity of some form or another.

Friday, 19 January 2024


I came across the word "mewing" recently and have finally gotten around to exploring its meaning. Here is what Bard had to say:

Mewing is a facial exercise technique that involves placing and holding your tongue in a specific position against the roof of your mouth. It's named after Dr. John Mew, an orthodontist who promoted a form of orthodontics called orthotropics, which focuses on "jaw posture" and tongue placement.

Here's what you need to know about mewing:

The practice:

Tongue placement: The main principle is to keep your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth, including the back portion. The tip of your tongue should rest behind your front teeth without touching them.

Benefits claimed: Supporters claim mewing can reshape your jawline, making it more defined and prominent. It's also purported to improve sleep, breathing, and posture.

The controversy:

Lack of scientific evidence: Despite its online popularity, there's no scientific evidence to support the claims that mewing can significantly alter facial features. While studies show proper tongue placement can influence jaw development in children, their applicability to adults is unproven.

Potential risks: Improper mewing can strain jaw muscles and possibly lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems.

Association with the incel community: Unfortunately, mewing has gained traction in some online communities with controversial ideologies, raising concerns about its association with negative views on body image and relationships.


Mewing is a popular but unproven technique with potential risks. While proper tongue posture can be beneficial for some aspects of oral health, the claims about dramatically reshaping your face lack scientific backing. If you're interested in trying mewing, it's best to consult a qualified healthcare professional or orthodontist to understand the potential risks and benefits for your specific situation.

Typical AI note of caution added to anything that is in the slightest degree not mainstream or challenges the accepted orthodoxy. I've watched a couple of YouTube videos on the topic and I think it's too late in the day for it to be of any use to me. However, the reference to the "incel community" got my attention. I had to seek Bard's help to find out what it's all about:

The "incel community" is a loosely connected online group of people, primarily young men, who identify as "involuntary celibates." They define themselves as unable to find romantic or sexual partners despite desiring them. However, the community is associated with toxic and potentially harmful ideologies.

Here are some key points about the incel community:


Resentment and hatred: Many incels blame women and society for their lack of romantic success, often expressing resentment and hostility towards both.

Misogyny and misanthropy: Incels frequently use misogynistic language and hold negative views about women. Some also display misanthropic tendencies, expressing hatred towards humanity in general.

Victimhood mentality: Incels often cultivate a shared sense of victimhood, believing they are unfairly denied something they deserve. This can discourage them from seeking personal growth or taking responsibility for their situation.

Blackpill Theory: A central belief in the incel community is the "blackpill" theory, which posits that romantic and sexual success is predetermined by biological factors beyond one's control. This fatalistic outlook can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Online Presence:

Forum spaces: Incels congregate in online forums and message boards, sharing their experiences, frustrations, and ideologies. These spaces can become echo chambers, reinforcing their negative views.

Extremism: Some corners of the incel community harbor extremist views, promoting violence and even inspiring real-world acts of violence. This has raised serious concerns about the potential dangers of incel ideology.

Important Disclaimer:

It's crucial to remember that not all people who identify as involuntary celibate subscribe to the harmful ideologies mentioned above. Some individuals simply feel frustrated by their romantic experiences and seek support or advice. However, the association of the incel community with misogyny, victimhood mentality, and even potential violence cannot be ignored.

If you're interested in learning more about the incel community, it's important to approach the topic with caution and critically evaluate the information you encounter. Consider reputable sources like academic research, news articles, and expert commentary. Be aware of the potential for biases and misinformation within the incel community itself.

Remember, it's important to treat everyone with respect and avoid judging individuals based solely on their association with a particular group.

Biopsy Blues

Here's an interesting statement ( link ):  A Biopsy Is Almost A Guarantee Of Cancer Metastasis & Acceleration. Dr Thomas Lodi, MD. T...