Sunday, 27 October 2024

Cracked Rib and Other Ailments

Leaning into a garbage bin to retrieve a rock that had tumbled in along with the garden refuse that I was discarding, resulted in a pronounced crunch that left me feeling that my one or more of my lower ribs had cracked. I don't know for sure if it has but the area remains very tender and I have difficulty in moving from various positions.

A couple of weeks earlier I was suffered for a couple of days with discomfort in the right unguinal area after a lot of up and down movement in the garden. I didn't have any herniation but the sudden onset of symptoms was a bit of a shock. The decrease in the strength of my leg muscles is disturbing. Today I was bending over repeatedly and putting all the weight on my right leg as I plucked out grass shots from the wood chip in the garden. I soon found that the leg was becoming fatigued.

Gardening has the benefit of making one realise where the weaknesses are in ones body. The unguinal discomfort and today's rapid onset of fatigue in the leg muscles remind me that I need to do a lot more strengthening exercises for my legs. I have started doing some regular isometric exercises for my upper body and a little for my legs. 

As I do so, other problems emerge such as discomfort in the bony protuberances on my hands and elbows. The latter is termed the medial epicondyle (the bony bump on the inner side of the elbow) joint while the former is the pisiform bone. To quote: 

Pain and tenderness on the palmar and ulnar aspects of the wrist in the area of the pisiform bone is fairly common. Chronic pain in the pisiform area may be due to tendinitis of the insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris, bony fractures or osteoarthrosis of pisotriquetral joint which is the second most common degenerative arthritis in wrist after the scaphotrapezial osteoarthrosis. Source.

My right shoulder continues to bother me, especially when lying horizontal in bed. If I raise my upper body a little using two pillows, the pain subsides. The discomfort from my thymoma is ongoing but only manifests when getting out of bed or doing stretching movements. This and these other disabilities don't encourage exercise but I need to persevere nonetheless or I'm to find myself increasingly incapacitated.

A few days ago I weighed in at 70.8 kilograms and in fact over these past months I've been hovering around 71 kilograms. If I drop below 70 kilograms, it will assuredly be due to sarcopenia so I must strive to maintain muscle mass.


Just as I track the properties of the number associated with my diurnal age EVERYDAY, I should be equally diligent in tracking all exercises and activities associated with my physical health. Should it be a physical diary or an electronic one? What do I track? 

... to be continued.

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