Wednesday 15 May 2024


Ah, at this late stage of my life, I discovered DOMS. Let Gemini explain:

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a common phenomenon you might experience after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. It's characterized by muscle pain, tenderness, and stiffness that typically peaks 1-3 days after the activity.

Here's a deeper dive into DOMS:


The exact cause of DOMS is still being researched, but the leading theory suggests it's a result of microscopic tears in muscle fibers caused by strenuous exercise, particularly activities that involve eccentric contractions (lengthening of a muscle under tension). These microtears trigger an inflammatory response in the body to repair the damaged tissue. This inflammation leads to the pain, tenderness, and stiffness associated with DOMS.


Muscle pain and tenderness: This is the hallmark symptom of DOMS, typically felt most intensely 24-72 hours after exercise.

Muscle stiffness: The affected muscles might feel tight and difficult to move through their full range of motion.

Reduced muscle strength: You might experience temporary weakness in the affected muscles.

Risk Factors:

Unaccustomed exercise: People new to an exercise routine or those returning after a break are more prone to DOMS.

Strenuous exercise: Activities involving intense effort, eccentric contractions, or unfamiliar movements can increase the risk.

Poor exercise form: Improper technique can put additional stress on muscles, leading to more micro-tears.

Treatment and Prevention:

While DOMS can be uncomfortable, it's generally harmless and resolves on its own within a few days. Here are some tips for managing and preventing DOMS:

Rest: Allow your body adequate recovery time after strenuous exercise.

Active recovery: Light activity like walking or gentle yoga can promote blood flow and aid healing.

Stretching: Gentle stretching before and after exercise can help improve flexibility and potentially reduce DOMS severity.

Massage: Massage therapy can improve circulation and promote healing in the affected muscles.

Over-the-counter pain relievers: Medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and inflammation.

Preventing DOMS:

Gradual progression: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to allow your muscles to adapt.

Proper warm-up and cool-down: Dedicate time to warm-up exercises before and cool-down stretches after workouts to prepare and relax your muscles.

Proper form: Ensure you use proper technique during exercise to avoid putting undue stress on your muscles.

Hydration: Stay well-hydrated before, during, and after exercise to support muscle function and recovery.

Additional Points:

DOMS vs. Injury: While DOMS can be uncomfortable, it's usually not a cause for major concern. However, if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by swelling or bruising, it's best to consult a doctor to rule out a more serious injury.

Individual Variation: The experience of DOMS can vary significantly from person to person. Some individuals might be more susceptible to it than others.

By understanding DOMS and following these tips, you can manage discomfort and optimize your workouts for better results.

Almost two weeks ago now, I tripped on the bottom stairs leading to the front door. I landed face down with my hands in front of me to brace myself for the fall. In the previous description, there's no mention made of age as a factor in the sudden onset of DOMS and yet it clearly is. I've suffered similar falls in the past and not shown any such symptoms. 

The day after the fall I was fine but next day I was a total wreck and remained that way for about two more days before gradually recovering. This was really a relatively minor fall and I wonder what the consequences would be have been had the fall been more serious. My body's inflammatory response was massively excessive. If a similar event happens I'll be sure to take some ibuprofen to ameliorate the symptoms. This time around I only took panadol which really didn't have much effect at all.

Maybe it's psychological but ever since turning 75 I've suddenly felt OLD. All I do is to ensure that I remain active and mobile. I've done a lot of sleeping during my gradual recovery and it's easy to fall into the taking refuge in the bed. Giving in to this tendency however, will greatly accelerate ones demise.

Sunday 25 February 2024

New Ailments

For the past several weeks I've noticed a dull ache in the area of the right shoulder joint. It's most often noticeable when I'm lying down in bed but it can occur at other times of the day. It's discomfort rather than pain. I've put some dencorub on it once or twice with some relief. Naturally I'll be monitoring the condition but at this point there doesn't seem any great cause for concern.

My thymoma has definitely continued to worsen and is affecting my lungs now, presumably thorough pressure of the expanding mass on the organ. I've occasionally had "heartburn". Sabina did some healing on the area and noticed that my condition had worsened significantly. It's now over five years since I first noticed the problem so it's unlikely to kill me anytime soon but it's definitely not going away and its spread is gradually causing mild but worsening effects on surrounding organs.

The tiny but annoying spot on the my left ear is also not going away. It gradually rises and becomes sensitive before falling off and becoming unnoticeable for a time until the process repeats. The other sensitive area on the right side of my lower back is slowly becoming active again. My treatment of the area with a cortico-steroid cream produced long-lasting desensitisation but I may need to repeat the treatment.

My teeth, as I said in my previous post, have been playing up but thanks to the cloves I've kept any discomfort under control. However, these past couple of days I haven't been chewing my two cloves of an evening and my botched root canal has been giving trouble. I need to make the clove chewing a regular evening activity.

I've not been doing any exercise at all apart from activity around the house. I seem to be afraid to do anything in case I strain something and make my current situation worse. Overall I can't complain. I'm ambulant and healthy enough for my age but the natural deterioration continues apace.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Magic of Cloves

My decaying teeth were giving me trouble. The gum was swollen and the whole area was sensitive to the touch. I feared that I might have to throw myself at the mercy of a dentist. However, I discovered some cloves and started chewing on a couple. Within an hour or so, the swelling had subsided and all had returned to normal.

It was marvellous evidence of the efficacy of cloves and I've resolved to chew a couple a day at least as a prophylactic. In the following the health benefits are extolled but the advice is to take the cloves on an empty stomach. First thing in the morning and last thing at night would seem to be ideal.

Wednesday 31 January 2024

State of Play

As my creaking old body approaches its 75th birthday, I've made some changes to my exercise regime. Having mislaid my pantyhose stretch band for a second time, I've taken to doing replacement isometric exercises. I'm finding these are working quite well and my legs are definitely feeling much stronger.

Balancing while standing on one leg for the count of fifty is another exercise for leg strength. Pushing away from the wall with my hands, front on and side on, helps to maintain upper body strength and step-ups provide aerobic exercise. I still go for walks of course but the step-ups are a good alternative if it's raining, if it's the wrong time of day or if I just don't feel like venturing out.

My neck is creaking and cracking and so I make sure to keep my flexibility in that area via neck rotations and various other stretching movements. Living in a house of steps is an added blessing and I keep busy in the garden and doing general cleaning around the house, both of which boost my fitness level. Overall, at the moment, I don't feel too bad. The discomfort in the area of my solar plexus has subsided a little and pain from my broken teeth is quiescent.

Figure 1 shows my median life expectancy based on 2016 data to be 87.17 years (using Wolfram Alpha). The prompt used was "life expectancy for an Australian male born April 3rd 1949":

Figure 1

We'll see about that. What was disturbing is Wolfram Alpha's low predictions for the length of life of Indonesians. Regardless of how long I last, I need to combine long periods of sitting with periods of physical activity. It's quite common for me to be seated watching episodes in a series for two or more hours. This must be balanced by physical activity of some form or another.

Friday 19 January 2024


I came across the word "mewing" recently and have finally gotten around to exploring its meaning. Here is what Bard had to say:

Mewing is a facial exercise technique that involves placing and holding your tongue in a specific position against the roof of your mouth. It's named after Dr. John Mew, an orthodontist who promoted a form of orthodontics called orthotropics, which focuses on "jaw posture" and tongue placement.

Here's what you need to know about mewing:

The practice:

Tongue placement: The main principle is to keep your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth, including the back portion. The tip of your tongue should rest behind your front teeth without touching them.

Benefits claimed: Supporters claim mewing can reshape your jawline, making it more defined and prominent. It's also purported to improve sleep, breathing, and posture.

The controversy:

Lack of scientific evidence: Despite its online popularity, there's no scientific evidence to support the claims that mewing can significantly alter facial features. While studies show proper tongue placement can influence jaw development in children, their applicability to adults is unproven.

Potential risks: Improper mewing can strain jaw muscles and possibly lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems.

Association with the incel community: Unfortunately, mewing has gained traction in some online communities with controversial ideologies, raising concerns about its association with negative views on body image and relationships.


Mewing is a popular but unproven technique with potential risks. While proper tongue posture can be beneficial for some aspects of oral health, the claims about dramatically reshaping your face lack scientific backing. If you're interested in trying mewing, it's best to consult a qualified healthcare professional or orthodontist to understand the potential risks and benefits for your specific situation.

Typical AI note of caution added to anything that is in the slightest degree not mainstream or challenges the accepted orthodoxy. I've watched a couple of YouTube videos on the topic and I think it's too late in the day for it to be of any use to me. However, the reference to the "incel community" got my attention. I had to seek Bard's help to find out what it's all about:

The "incel community" is a loosely connected online group of people, primarily young men, who identify as "involuntary celibates." They define themselves as unable to find romantic or sexual partners despite desiring them. However, the community is associated with toxic and potentially harmful ideologies.

Here are some key points about the incel community:


Resentment and hatred: Many incels blame women and society for their lack of romantic success, often expressing resentment and hostility towards both.

Misogyny and misanthropy: Incels frequently use misogynistic language and hold negative views about women. Some also display misanthropic tendencies, expressing hatred towards humanity in general.

Victimhood mentality: Incels often cultivate a shared sense of victimhood, believing they are unfairly denied something they deserve. This can discourage them from seeking personal growth or taking responsibility for their situation.

Blackpill Theory: A central belief in the incel community is the "blackpill" theory, which posits that romantic and sexual success is predetermined by biological factors beyond one's control. This fatalistic outlook can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Online Presence:

Forum spaces: Incels congregate in online forums and message boards, sharing their experiences, frustrations, and ideologies. These spaces can become echo chambers, reinforcing their negative views.

Extremism: Some corners of the incel community harbor extremist views, promoting violence and even inspiring real-world acts of violence. This has raised serious concerns about the potential dangers of incel ideology.

Important Disclaimer:

It's crucial to remember that not all people who identify as involuntary celibate subscribe to the harmful ideologies mentioned above. Some individuals simply feel frustrated by their romantic experiences and seek support or advice. However, the association of the incel community with misogyny, victimhood mentality, and even potential violence cannot be ignored.

If you're interested in learning more about the incel community, it's important to approach the topic with caution and critically evaluate the information you encounter. Consider reputable sources like academic research, news articles, and expert commentary. Be aware of the potential for biases and misinformation within the incel community itself.

Remember, it's important to treat everyone with respect and avoid judging individuals based solely on their association with a particular group.

Sunday 31 December 2023

Oops, I Did It Again

Having acquired a figure 8 resistance band recently, I tested it out on my upper body even though I'd bought it to replace the resistance band that I used for my leg exercises. It turned out to be not that suitable for this purpose and I was tempted into using for strengthening my upper body.

This turned out to be a mistake because I quickly aggravated my internal problems in the area behind the breastbone. The pressure increased on my lungs and esophagus and possibly even my heart and the damage may be irreversible. I simply don't know and once again my fragility in the area of the thymus gland is exposed. 

I cannot apply any more stress to that area or the results may be fatal. If I do have a thymic cyst than its rupture could well lead to septicemia. I have to proceed with far more caution. This can well be my New Year's resolution or I may not see another. It is New Year's Eve so I won't make any unrealistic resolutions about exercise regimes.

Overall my physical activity has focused mainly on working around the house which is demanding enough on my diminishing strength. I go for the occasional walk but should do this more regularly, although I've noticed that there are indoor walking in place activities that might be more suitable to my situation. The exercise video link above is a good as any to start. I've downloaded it so I can play it on my phone which will make it easier.

Sunday 26 November 2023

Vitamin B12 Dangers

I came across an interesting tweet recently that concerned Vitamin B12 supplements. Here's the content:

Dr. Dennis Walker

URGENT: Go to your medicine cabinet right now and look at the type of B12 you are taking. If it says “cyanocobalamin,” any where on the label, then throw it in the trash immediately. Although it the most common form of B12 in the world, cyanocobalamin is a synthetic, man-made form of B12, which includes “hydrogen cyanide." Look for vitamin B12 supplements in the form of adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin, & hydroxycobalamin.

RT for others awareness
Last edited 5:17 AM Nov 25, 2023 1.3M Views

This was interesting because there's a popular B12 supplement that I've taken over the years that has cyanocobalamin in it.

Just another reason not to trust BIG PHARMA, even when vitamin supplements are involved. Here is a link to a YouTube video that discusses the problems associated with cyanocobalamin and that recommends supplements that contain methylcobalamin instead. Many energy drinks contain cyanocobalamin in high amounts as do fortified grains. Here is an excerpt from his comments to the video:

The best form of vitamin B12 is the natural version called methylcobalamin. This version is the active form of vitamin B12 and stays in the body longer than the synthetic versions.

Potential benefits of methylcobalamin:

• It may help improve sleep

• It can decrease the need for sleep

• It can help you wake up feeling alert and refreshed

• It can help you fall asleep faster

• It's great for the nervous system (especially the myelin sheath)

• It supports healthy eyes

• It increases melatonin

• It decreases homocysteine

• It can help regulate cortisol

• It supports the red blood cells

Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency

• Not consuming foods high in vitamin B12

• Stomach inflammation

• H. pylori

• Low stomach acid

• Gastric bypass

• Inflammation in the intestines


Ah, at this late stage of my life, I discovered DOMS. Let Gemini explain: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a common phenomenon you mi...