Friday, 12 May 2023

Walking the Walk

I've been walking fairly regularly lately, missing the odd day here and there but no often. The circuit I walk is a distance of 2.3 kilometers and today I timed myself, roughly, at 26 minutes. This gives a walking rate of 5.3 kilometers per hour which is regarded as a brisk pace.

I completed this walk early in the morning, about 7am, but felt fatigued for the rest of the day. I just had to lay down on several occasions. Perhaps I'm walking a bit too fast. I can ease off the pace a bit and still achieve an acceptable speed of 5 kilometers an hour. I need to experiment a little.

I weighed myself this evening and came in at a hefty 76.1 kilograms which is the heaviest I've weighed since my teaching days. It wasn't all that long ago that I weighed in regularly at about 66 kilograms. This translates to a BMI of 23.99. I don't feel overweight but I am nudging the edge of the healthy BMI range:

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a healthy weight range for adults, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, a BMI of 23.99 falls within the healthy weight range.

My recent regular intake of freshly prepared fruit juices fortified with oak milk may have contributed to my weight gain. I should perhaps just add water to the juices. I really would like to get back down to about 72 kilograms and this should be achievable if I start weighing myself regularly again.

I'm regularly completing my hand strength exercises and leg exercises and have added some balance and flexibility exercises as well. My suspected thymoma has been playing up a little lately but this is normal whenever I exhaust myself like I've been doing. 

I need to add more exercises to my daily routine without overburdening myself. Posting regularly to this blog is a way to reflect on my progress. As I've said before, this should be the blog to which I post most regularly but such alas is not the case. So let's include the above data points:

Date: Friday, May 12th 2023

Weight: 76.1 kg at 9pm

Walking speed: 2.3 km in 26 minutes --> 5.3 km/hr.

Resting pulse rate: 66 beats per minute

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