Sunday, 4 June 2023

Getting Sick Again

Oh dear. I wrote fatefully on May 31st that I was starting to recover from my virus attack but things promptly took a turn for the worst for the next three days. I was able to do very little. I developed a wracking cough and an overwhelming lethargy so that I slept for most of the time. It's was only  on June 4th that I could say I'd recovered.

Definitely, transiting Ceres sitting on the cusp of my sixth house was a clear reflection in the outer world of the psycho-physical activity in my inner world that led to my illness. So today, June 5th, I took my first morning walk in a week, proceeding at what for me was a leisurely pace. All I can do is begin again. Pick up where I left off.

Of course, I've misplaced my stretch band that I used for my leg exercises and so I need to either find it or find a replacement. I'm getting sick of getting sick but soon enough I'll transcend illness. While still inhabiting a physical body however, I wish there was a mental technique to distance myself from the suffering for its duration. Perhaps there is. I remember my yoga teacher of fifty years again (Elsa Gartenstein I think her name was) claimed she underwent dental procedures without anesthesia.

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